After having read the post, Miss Kanae Miyazaki helped us to understand what exactly is involved in this nose/blossom flute poem. She wrote :
« I think that 花笛 means 桜笛 (Sakura-bue).
It's a children's theatrical play in Japan.
Sakura (cherry-tree flower) is a special flower for the Japanese.
It reminds us some passed Spring, especially when the flowers fall.
It is a very colorful scene, but provides a little lonely feeling.
太夫桜 (Tayuu-zakura) is a famous old cherry-tree in Iimoriyama (飯盛山) Fukushima (福島). »
Indeed, Sakura Zensen 桜前線 (The Cherry Blossom Front) is a famous and well awaited event in Japan. People go out to watch the cherry blossoms (Hanami), including at night (yozakura). I remember beautiful lines written by Sei Shōnagon (清少納言) in her Pillow Book, and you may be interested of this chapter of Genji Monogatari, by Murasaki Shikibu.
Kanae Miyazaki concludes :
« This Haiku probably represents the transience of human life.
山嵐 (Yama-arashi)is "Kigo", indicating that early summer is coming soon. »

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