So, today is the 60th birthday of the "legal existence" of the Swan! And to celebrate this, we publish today a new collection of special color Schwans that has been discovered, then offered to us by the Nosy Diva herself! How did she find the nest ?
All are from current Chinese production, and let's remember that the so-called special colors are either intermediate production artefacts (when they change the color in the injectors), theoretically discarded from commercialization (but in fact given as goodies/bonuses to major resellers), or very limited color tests. All in all, it is very difficult to put the hand on them.
Now, let's take a look at some samples of this collection, particularly the ones with very colors...
Several specimens show a very bright petroleum blue, almost turquoise :
Another color that is present in several flutes is this rather translucent deep purple (very different from the regular pink-purple). Ths one also got a beige air cover:
Here is a chocolate brown one:
Even rarer and beautiful, two marbleized samples:
Great collection, uh? And imagine it gathered with this one...
Thank you Nosy Diva!!!
I discovered a new "production stigmata" on several of these collector babies... It is particularly visible on the silver body one, and looks like the inside of the nose shield was vertically torn. But there is no contour, the "tear" is plain and smooth, filled with translucent plastic. On the swirled grey flute, the "tear" just cut the marbling waves. The silver one also shows tiny cracks around the horizontal stigmata, as smooth and "unreal" than the big tear. Strange...