NoseFlute.Org was honoured by the visit of Mr.
Will Grove-White (and family), respectable member of the
Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (UOGB) and reknowned
nose flute enthousiast! Very proud of this unmerited honour, associated with the incomparable Nosy Diva to take a fluty selfie with Will's pair of young bodyguards, in front of the
Neptune fountain (Nancy, France).
Then at the
Wallet Instant Wallet Nose Flute, at the
Snoot Flute, and at the
Numero 9, my koa uke built by master Gérard Guasch:
I as an unacomplished nose flutist have just discovered that there are others even crazier than me. This just takes my breath away and fills me with much noseflute joy.
Grandpa Buttersnaps
Nose flutist of 4 decades and always striving toward nose flute excellence
ear Grabdpa Buttersnaps, Welcome among the nosi-weirdos! (noseflute resistance is futile, but it doesn't know it...). Greetings!