There is also a text :
« As a child I was given a funny shaped piece of plastic that I was told was a nose flute. Hmmm?, I thought.... COULD THIS BE LOVE??? I soon realized that I had a blessed talent for the beautiful instrument... Much like the greats of out past, Mozart and Beethoven. I knew that a natural ability like this should NOT be wasted. The Nose Flute, or humanitone as some like to call it, is not an easy instrument to play. It takes extreme facial precision both with your mouth and nostrals. Once I had mastered the plastic toys, I searched high and low for a nice wooden nose flute. They are harder to find than you would think. In fact the only maker of a nice wooden nose flute lives in Germany. I ordered my first wooden flute in December of 2003. The difference in quality of sound from the plastic to wooden is monumental. The wood helps make my nose air sound more rich and earthy. I am so proud to be the on call flutist of the SFV! In short, I am the Anniemal! Nose fluting is my life. I play a wooden humanitone hand crafted in Germany that has just the perfect sound. This is the first of many more glorius tunes to come. »
Here is the track:
According to the pictures, Anniemal was playing a Max Zycha nose flute.

Funny in a way as it seems to go on and on. I love the harmony, yet have a feeling that they were not produced on the nose flute.