This blog is dedicated to the sublime instruments called nose flutes and which produce the most divine sound ever. We have chosen to discard all the native models from S. Pacific and Asia, for they need fingering to be played. We'll concentrate on "buccal cavity driven" nose flutes : the well patented and trademarked metal or plastic ones, plus, by a condemnable indulgence, some wooden craft or home-made productions.

Jun 7, 2012

Okan Khamen - Part I: Covered with gifts!

Well... First, as promised, a tour of the numerous gifts received from Miss Kanae Miyazaki!
Another post will expose the character Okan Khamen, and last but not least, the third one will be a review of the Okan-Khamen nose flutes...

So, as you remember, we made an exchange of nose flutes with Kanae Miyazaki - aka Komatsuka Nae - a talented designer and clay potter. I received nose flutes made by her, but not only...

In the package, there were many beautifully wrapped little packages, including Hōjicha (ほうじ茶) roasted tea, gorgeous little flower candies, and a pack of the very funny Coris Whistle Ramune, which are whistling candies (just blow through their hole. Too big to be put in the nostrils, however :)

Besides those beautiful and typical japanese sweets, Miss Kanae joined many cards, postcards and pictures of her work. Those pictures were made by Opi Toumoto, a great photographer specialized in birds pictures.

Plus a great (and funny!) original ink drawing, inspired of the Feed the Diva's business card, showing The Nose Diva, my friend NazNick (from the Nasalette's) and me :

Kanae Miyazaki sent me also a limited and numbered edition book she wrote and designed. As you know, Kanae is a birds lover and hosts Pon and ChaCha at her home. These little birdies are the heroes of Komatsuka Nae's stories (for more details about this book, see next post : Okan-Khamen - Part II: - The Parrot-Pharaoh).

I also received an amusing and clever nose flute made with a playing card and a straw. It has been made by Mister Susumu Noda (Emi-yu).

And... last but surely not least, two magnificent Okan-Khamen nose flutes, one large like a mask, and a regular sized one, little baby in her literary craddle. Here are just two pictures for your teasing, because those hanabue will be exposed in detail in Okan-Khamen - Part III: The Nose Flutes.

Yes, I feel like pharaoh myself...


On the same topic, please visit (chronologically) :

- Komatsuka Nae, a talented Japanese artist
- Covered with gifts
- Okan-Khamen - Part I: Covered with gifts!
- Okan-Khamen - Part II: The Parrot-Pharaoh
- Okan-Khamen - Part III: The Nose Flutes
- Okan-Khamen - Part IV: Komatsuka nae's answer

Related links :

- Komatsuka Nae's (Kozakurapon) blog
- Kanae Miyazaki's Facebook page
- A page in English about Kanae's work
- Kanae Miyazaki's works on Toumoto photo website
- Opi Toutomo's Facebook page



  1. Antoine, you are one very lucky lad!!!!!
    Miss Kanae, you are one very original lady!!!!!
    I love your work!!!

  2. Oh yes... lucky and spoiled! And Kanae is as generous as talented... I love my Okan-Khamen flutes!


    1. Yes, Mr. Ukeheidi is a lucky lad. But he deserves it! The benefits of his blog and his noseflutistic activities for the small but continually growing nose flute community are immeasurable!!

  3. A wonderful article!!
    I am also glad.=D


  4. Thank you very much, dear Toumoto!

    Kind greetings,


  5. @Nosymusic. Thank you my dear! :) Yes, our *mission* is to promote nosefluting all around the world! :)

    Have a nice day!

